An English Song of 15 July (by Turgay Evren)

“My Beloved Turkey”, the song Turgay Evren has written about 15 July Foiled Coup Attempt has received over 600.000 views in Muzik Play Youtube channel. The song has been also shared by tens of thousands people in many different countries including the USA, Holland, Germany, and some muslim countries. Several news were also published in the media in Turkish, Arabic and English regarding the song.

Many politicians such as Ali Şahin Deputy Minister for EU Affairs, Talip Küçükcan, the Head of the Turkish Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe , Melih Gökçek, the Mayor of Ankara, Aziz Babuşçu, the Deputy of AK Party have tweeted about the song. Some journalists such as Sevilay Yılman, Süleyman Özışık, Turan Kışlakçı, Murat Kelkitlioğlu have also shared the song with a comment in Twitter.

Some Civil Society Organizations such as ECTA, UETD, Müsiad America have also shared the song on their pages.